Na rozmedzí medzi zákonnosťou väzby a nestrannosťou sudcu v trestnom konaní On the borderline between the legality of custody and the impartiality of the judge in criminal proceedings JUDr. Ivana Mokrá, interná doktorandka, Katedra trestného práva a kriminológie Právnickej fakulty Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave Právny obzor, 106, 2022, No. 1, pp. 51 – 63. Published online: 20.2.2023 Abstract. The requirement of legal decision-making in criminal proceedings has never been more desirable than in the era in which we are witnesses of numerous procedural errors leading to the violation of fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the right to personal freedom. In this regard, it is therefore not surprising that the decisionmaking practice of judges in criminal proceedings is currently facing considerable media pressure, which after recent legislative changes concerning the shortening of the term of collusive custody, or the declaration of an explicit requirement for judges to consider the reasonableness of the accusation when deciding on custody, increased even more. However, the contribution in question looks at the issue of decision-making about custody through the lens of the right to a fair trial before an independent and impartial court. Key words: bias, judge, criminal proceedings, European Court of Human Rights, accusation
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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