Editorial Board
The Editorial Board supervises
that published manuscripts meet high-quality standards and high professional and
ethical standards in the peer-review procedure.
The Editorial Board annually
approves the release schedule of the review for the next calendar year and
supervises its implementation. Above all, the Editorial Board ensures that there
are no delays or interruptions in the publication of the journal.
Members of the Editorial
The Editorial Board is composed
of experts in legal sciences with international reputation.
The publisher has expanded the
Editorial Board of the review by other influential foreign members – prof. James
E. Moliterno of Washington and Lee University, USA and prof. Wouter Veraart of
Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The Editorial Board has the
national members as well as the foreign members, who come from USA, Netherlands,
Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic.
JUDr. Eduard Bárány,
DrSc. | Institute of State and Law SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
JUDr. Jan Bárta, CSc. |
Institute of State and Law AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. JUDr. Alexander Bröstl,
CSc. | Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovak Republic
Doc. JUDr. Kristián Csach,
PhD. LL.M. | Trnava University, Trnava, Slovak Republic
Prof. JUDr. Karel Eliáš,
Dr. | Institute of State and Law AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic
Doc. Dr. Ivan Halász,
PhD. | MTA Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Doc. JUDr. Katarína Kalesná,
CSc. | Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Doc. JUDr. Peter Kresák,
CSc. | Pan-European University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
JUDr. Peter Kukliš, CSc.
| Institute of State and Law SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Prof. dr. hab. Krzystof
Skotnicki | University Łódź, Łódź, Poland
Prof. James E. Moliterno
| Washington and Lee University, USA
Mgr. Adrián Tokár, LL.M.,
PhD. | Legal Services of the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
prof. Wouter Veraart |
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherland
Doc. JUDr. Jozef Vozár,
CSc. | Institute of State and Law SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
ISSN 2729-9228
ISSN 0032-6984
Právny obzor is peer-reviewed journal and is indexed in SCOPUS and HeinOnline database (INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS).
