Limity uplatňovania zmluvnej pokuty v spotrebiteľských zmluvách. Limits of application of contractual penalty in consumer contracts. Mgr. Regina Šťastová,
interná doktorandka Ústavu štátu a práva SAV, v. v. i. v Bratislave. Právny obzor, 107, 2024, No. 5, pp. 488 – 506. Published online: 20.10.2024 Abstract. The contractual penalty serves both as a means of protection for the creditor and as a means of ensuring compliance with the contractual obligations of the debtor. The creditor, as well as the potential one, aims to protect himself, and in the case of business obligations, also his business activity. The degree of creditor protection, however, is limited by the special status of subjects in consumer relations, where instead of an entrepreneur, the other party is a specific subject, namely the consumer. Therefore, the aim of the contribution is to define the current limits and challenges in the area of application of the contractual penalty in consumer obligation relations, where the legislator assumes a certain higher level of consumer protection resulting from his status. It is possible that in some cases the use of a contractual penalty will be marked as an unacceptable contractual term, resulting in the total invalidity closure of contractual penalty. Key words: guarantee of obligation, contractual penalty, unacceptable contractual condition, consumer, consumer protection
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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