Právny obzor


Ročník 107



T E O R E T I C K Ý  Č A S O P I S  P R E  O T Á Z K Y  Š T Á T U  A  P R Á V A

Právny obzor | Issue 3 | Volume 100 | 2017

Slovak version 


Legal pluralism I. ... 205
B á r á n y, E.

Protection of the Social Rights in the Proceedings of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republik ... 218
G a j d o š í k o v á, Ľ.

Valid legal regulation of periodicals in the light of interventions of the legislator and court jurisprudence ... 226
V o z á r, J. – L a p š a n s k ý, L.

Comparison of cooperation between Czech and Slovak Republic with the International Criminal Court ... 252
B e d n á r, D.

Law and Consumer

Collective actions in consumer cases – terra incognita in The Slovak Republic? The nature of the required claims, effects of decision, funding of collective actions, reimbursement of legal costs and cross-border cases – Part II. ... 268
M a s l á k, M.


Ethical rules of international courts and tribunals ... 289
K l u č k a, J.

A Centenary of Právny obzor

Právny obzor and the personality of JUDr. Cyril Bařinka ... 306
O v e č k o v á, O.

From Scientific Life

The obituary of RNDr. Eva Majeská ... 309
Editorial staff of Právny obzor

Report from the international scientific conference „Days of Law“ ... 309
L a c l a v í k o v á, M. – Š v e c o v á, A.

Reviews and Annotations

A colossus on clay legs? About Transformations of the State and its roles (M. Káčer) ... 312
K y s e l a, J. – O n d ř e j e k, P. et al.

Constitutional law (E. Korpáš – K. Kuklová) ... 316
K r o š l á k, D. et al.

Church-rates and their legal life in Slovakia and Ruthenia. A bitter life of a priest whose bread will be baked from „lecticale“... (A. Švecová) ... 317
C s u k á s, A.

Liability for defects of a work (L. Cisko) ... 320
L u k á č k a, P. – D u f a l o v á, L. – L e n h a r t o v á, K.

Historia et interpretatio Digestorum seu Pandectarum. Proceeding from the 18th Conference of Legal Romanists of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic (M. Gregor) ... 322
M a c h , P. – V l a d á r, V. (eds.)

ISSN 2729-9228

ISSN 0032-6984


Právny obzor is peer-reviewed journal and is indexed in SCOPUS and HeinOnline database (INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS).


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