Zodpovednosť člena štatutárneho orgánu kapitálovej obchodnej spoločnosti a návrh zmeny zodpovednostného systému v súkromnom práve Responsibility of a member of a statutory body of a limited liability company and proposed amendments to the system of responsibility in private law. Doc. JUDr. Lucia Žitňanská, PhD., Faculty of Law of the Trnava University in Trnava Právny obzor, Volume 102, 2019, No. 3, pp. 266 – 283. Published online: 31.8.2021 Abstract. The proposed changes to the Commercial Code recast the responsibility system within Slovak private law and amend laws governing the relationship between members of statutory bodies and companies. The proposed system of responsibility in addition to the proposed amendments to company law create a new legal framework for responsibility of a member of a statutory body of a company. The article aims to identify and analyze the impacts of the proposed system of responsibility on the responsibility of a member of a statutory body of a limited liability company, particularly in relation to the fiduciary relationship of a member of a statutory body and a company (internal responsibility). Based on a comparison with German, Austrian and Czech laws, the article will propose positions and suggestions de lege ferenda regarding the changes of specific company laws relating to the responsibility of a member of a statutory body of a limited liability company. Key words: responsibility, member of statutory body, limited liability company, recast
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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