Preskúmateľnosť rozhodnutí orgánov športových zväzov v rámci správneho súdnictva. Reviewability of decisions of sports organizations within administrative justice. JUDr. Csilla Szomolaiová, Právnická fakulta MU v Brne, Katedra ústavného práva a politológie. ORCID 0009-0002-8930-8732. Právny obzor, 107, 2024, No. 3, pp. 285 – 302. Published online: 20.6.2024 Abstract. In the submitted article, the author directs her attention to the question of whether the specific nature of sport and the principle of its autonomy can encumber the right of a member of the sports organization to access effective judicial protection. The article delves into the conflicts that arise within the sports community and questions the appropriateness of general courts intervening in sports disputes, vis-à-vis the preservation of autonomy within sports organizations. It also scrutinizes the necessity for a Sports Arbitration Tribunal, along with the challenges associated with upholding its independence and expertise. The paper underscores the significance of striking a harmonious balance between sports autonomy and state intervention to ensure the equitable and transparent operation of sports within society. Moreover, the article analyzes the extent to which the internal bodies of sports organizations can adjudicate disputes of a sporting nature and whether these decisions can be subject to review by general courts. Ultimately, the paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of establishing a just and transparent mechanism for resolving sports-related disputes, while concurrently respecting the autonomy of sports organizations. Key words: judicial reviewability of decisions of sports governing bodies, Lex Sportiva, autonomy of sports, right to a judicial protection
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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