Zmluvy o poskytnutí finančnej služby – 2. časť Vybrané finančnoprávne aspekty niektorých bankových zmlúv a zmlúv o investičnej službe, možnosť zavedenia záporného úroku na bankovom vklade (obligatórnosť výnosu pre klienta finančnej inštitúcie) Financial services contracts – Part 2: Selected regulatory aspects of some bank contracts and investment services contracts, the possibility of introducing a negative interest on bank deposits (obligation of proceeds for a client of a financial institution) Doc. JUDr. Ľubomír Čunderlík,
PhD., Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava Právny obzor, Volume 103, 2020, No. 6, pp. 472 – 487. Published online: 31.8.2021 Abstract. In the second part of the paper, we paid attention to selected financial law aspects of the regulation of some banking agreements that are linked to a bank account (current account agreement, deposit account agreement). The private law regime of the current account agreement is essential for the public law framework of the payment account in the Payment Services Act, which presents a basis for related financial market law institutes of basic banking product and standard payment account. In the paper, we further analyzed the legal possibilities of introducing a negative interest rate on bank deposits in the Slovak legal order under the general regime of the Civil Code and particularly in the context of regime of bank contracts linked to a bank account. The authors do not consider negative interest to be possible under the current legal situation, although they do not absolutely exclude it. The paper also focuses at investment contract agreements, which include elements of asset management (contract on safe custody, contract on depositing financial instruments, contract on portfolio management). In addition, lists the possibilities of tradability of financial instruments on the capital market. The authors point out the related risks in the existing regulation of the registration of financial instruments/securities with a securities trader, in terms of anonymization of their ownership, and at the same time in trading outside the regulated market. Key words: deposit agreement, current account agreement, deposit account agreement, investment services contracts, negative interest
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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