Právny obzor | Issue 4 | Volume 102 | 2019
Crowdworking and perspectives of digital work in the future or (Crowdworking – work of the future)? ... 291
B a r a n c o v á, H.
The right of resistance as an individual constitutional right and its specifics ... 303
B a r t o ň, M.
Protection of society against terrorism by criminal law – the Czech and Slovak views ... 322
J a l č, A.
Material core of constitution and eternity clause ... 336
K r a j á č, A.
About the substance and purpose of prescription in private law ... 346
S e d l a č k o, F., Š t e
v č e k, M.
From Scientific Life
Prestigious award granted to the magazine Právny obzor ... 366
O v e č k o v á, O.
International scientific conference: The fifteen years in the European Union: topical issues and present challenges ... 367
M a r e č e k, L.
Reviews and Annotations
V o z á r, J. (ed.): Liability
in law: tribute to Oľga Ovečková
(L. Berdisová) ... 370
G a j d o š o v á, M., K e r e
c m a n, P., Ď u r i š k a, Z., K u š n í r, J., H e l l e n b a r t, V.: Bar
associations in Slovakia in the period of 1875 – 1948
(J. Vozár) ... 373
ISSN 2729-9228
ISSN 0032-6984
Právny obzor is peer-reviewed journal and is indexed in SCOPUS and HeinOnline database (INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS).