Právny obzor


Ročník 107



T E O R E T I C K Ý  Č A S O P I S  P R E  O T Á Z K Y  Š T Á T U  A  P R Á V A

Právny obzor | Issue 5 | Volume 100 | 2017

Slovak version 


State Immunity in International Arbitration and Commercial Practice. Part II. – Political and Constitutional Aspects ... 459
C h o v a n c o v á, K.

General Anti-Abuse Rule in the Field of Income Tax and Judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union ... 476
D u r a č i n s k á, M. – D u r a č i n s k á, J.

Need for regulation of administrative punishment illustrated by the example of the principle of prohibition of a change for the worse ... 495
V a č o k, J.

On Precept of Convincingness of Decision ... 503
T u r č a n, M.

Governance structure of the public research institution ... 513
J a n á č, V.

Law and Consumer

Mandatory mediation in consumer litigation as a condition of admissibility of a consumer action (judgment of the Court of Justice of 14 June 2017, Menini and Rampanelli, C-75/16, EU:C:2017:457) ... 523
J á n o š í k o v á, M.

A Centenary of Právny obzor

Importance of Právny obzor for the development and stabilization of Slovak legal terminology ... 527
O v e č k o v á, O.

From Scientific Life

Ten years of symposium from international law and European law ... 532
C i s k o, L.

Report from the conference Principles of the Act on Administrative Punishment ... 534
B e d e, D.

Reviews and Annotations

Š t e v č e k, M., F i c o v á, S., B a r i c o v á, J., M e s i a r k i n o v á, S., B a j á n k o v á, J., T o m a š o v i č, M. et al., Code of Civil Litigation Procedure. Comment (J. Vozár) ... 538

M o r e, T.: Utopia (D. Šmihula) ... 539

H a p l a, M.: Division of power and independence of justice (R. Kasinec) ... 543

G e a r t t y, C.: On the Fantasy Island: : Britain, Europe and Human Rights (L. Berdisová) ... 544

ISSN 2729-9228

ISSN 0032-6984


Právny obzor is peer-reviewed journal and is indexed in SCOPUS and HeinOnline database (INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS).


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Tel.: (+421) (2) 52 961 833

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Wolters Kluwer s.r.o.
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