Právny obzor


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T E O R E T I C K Ý  Č A S O P I S  P R E  O T Á Z K Y  Š T Á T U  A  P R Á V A

ISSUE 1 ( PRÁVNY OBZOR 2016; 99 (1) )


B l a h o, P.: Mutatio ipso iure so zreteľom na rímske právo a občianske zákonníky ... 3
Z l o c h a , Ľ.: Konflikt slobody prejavu a ochrany osobnostných práv osôb verejného záujmu v rozhodovacej praxi súdov ... 12
M i č á t e k, V. – L e n h a r t o v á, K.: Právna povaha bankových vkladov v kontexte spoločenského vývoja ... 29
D o m i n, M.: Referendum v ústavnom systéme Španielska ... 39

Právo a spotrebiteľ
V o z á r, J.: Niekoľko úvah k problematike ochrany finančného spotrebiteľa ... 61

Z vedeckého života
M a n i k, R.: Správa z XII. konferencie o histórii advokácie ... 71

Recenzie a anotácie
G a j d o š o v á, M. – K e r e c m a n, P.: Prvé ženy v slovenskej advokácii (J. Vozár) ... 73
K o s a ř, D. a kol.: Ústavní právo (V. Bujňák) ... 74
B e l l i n, V.: Zrození suveréna: Pojem suverenity a jeho kritika v moderní politické a právní filosofii. Suverenita a normativní konstrukce reality I. (M. Sekerák) ... 76

BLAHO, P.: Mutatio ipso iure so zreteľom na rímske právo a občianske zákonníky.

Právny obzor, 99, 2016, č. 1, s. 3 – 11.

Mutatio ipso iure with regard to Roman law and civil codes. The author gives an interpretation of mutatio ipso iure, i.e. endurance of proprietary right (usucapio). Subject to the fulfilment of conditions of endurance, tenure (possessio) will be transformed into the ownership (dominium). It is a transformation ipso iure resulting from the objective right, without human intervention. Therefore the author regards endurance as a kind of, (necessary change). The legal basis of mutatio is the will of the legislator to tolerate the transformation of tenure to ownership and it concerns each legal order, which has officially introduced the institute of endurance. The transformation of tenure to ownership eliminates the chaos in ownership relations and represents the effort at a successful legal expression.

Key words: endurance, usucapio, mutatio, ipso iure, tenure, ownership, Roman law, civil law

ZLOCHA, Ľ.: Konflikt slobody prejavu a ochrany osobnostných práv osôb verejného záujmu v rozhodovacej praxi súdov.

Právny obzor, 99, 2016, č. 1, s. 12 – 28.

Freedom of expression and protection of personal rights of public figures conflict in judicial decisions. Freedom of expression is protected by Article 10 of the European convention of human rights and also by Article 26 of the Constitution of Slovak Republic. The Constitution, as well as the Convention, set limits upon which freedom of expression can be restricted. However, journalists and mass media has a privileged position from these restrictions, especially when reporting matters of public interest. Journalists have a social obligation to provide information and ideas on all matters of public interest and the public is entitled to receive such information. Journalists are even allowed to use some degree of exaggeration and provocation. In Slovakia we can observe that public persons, for example politicians or judges, take action against the media for alleged damage to their reputation and honour by publication of false information, unreasonable criticism or even the publication of their cartoons. Slovakian courts often decide in favour of public figures and media have to pay these persons high financial compensations. In this article the author examines approach of Slovakian courts in comparison with decisions of Constitutional court of Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and the European court of human rights.

Key words: freedom of expression, criticism, public figures, conflict, personal rights, public interest, court decisions

MIČÁTEK, V., LENHARTOVÁ, K.: Právna povaha bankových vkladov v kontexte spoločenského vývoja.

Právny obzor, 99, 2016, č. 1, s. 29 – 38.

Legal nature of a Bank Deposits in the context of social development. The article deals with the issue of financial crisis, which has been a dominant society-wide topic for more than six years. Autors discusse Roman depositum and mutuum, or the deposit and loan for use. It looks at the history of these institutiutes and explains their nature in the light of present bank account agreement. Contrary to supporters of bank fractional reserve demand deposits, the article explains that such an agrement (treating loans and deposits interchangeably) is impermissible due to a priori legal and economic principles.

Key words: Depositum, mutuum, deposit, loanmoney, banking

DOMIN, M. Referendum v ústavnom systéme Španielska.

Právny obzor, 99, 2016, č. 1, s. 39 – 60.

Referendum in the constitutional system of Spain. The subject of this paper is an analysis of the institute of referendum in the Spanish constitutional system. The Constitution of Spain regulates several forms of the referendum, including the consultative referendum, referendums on amending the Constitution and various types of regional referendums relating Spanish Autonomous Communities. The paper draws attention, inter alia, to several controversial aspects relating mainly the consultative referendum, which are also in the spotlight of Spanish Constitutional Lawʼs doctrine. These controversies are centered mainly on the issue of legally binding force of the consultative referendum results. The analysis is completed by the comparison of selected issues of the institute of referendum in Spain on the one hand and in Slovakia on the other hand. As it will be indicated, some partial issues of Spanish constitutional regulation of the referendum should be inspiring for the Slovak Republic.

Key words: Constitution of Spain, consultative and decisive referendum, directive democracy,
referendum, Spain

VOZÁR, J.: Niekoľko úvah k problematike ochrany finančného spotrebiteľa.

Právny obzor, 99, 2016, č. 1, s. 61 – 70.

Some considerations on the issue of financial consumer protection. The issue of financial consumer protection has become an integral part of the Slovak law and becomes a subject of interest of the legal science. At present Slovak financial consumers are protected by a series of regulations of both public and private law. It must be noted that consumer protection is efficient when interventions of public and private law supplement each other and provide an integrated framework of protection. In this article we refer to the most recent legal regulation and function of courts in financial consumer protection.

Key words: Financial consumer protection, legal principles, function of courts in consumer protection

ISSN 2729-9228

ISSN 0032-6984


Právny obzor je recenzovaný časopis a je indexovaný v databázach SCOPUS a HeinOnline (INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS)


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