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T E O R E T I C K Ý  Č A S O P I S  P R E  O T Á Z K Y  Š T Á T U  A  P R Á V A

Orgány dohľadu nad finančným trhom v Rakúsku a na Slovensku (porovnanie fragmentov právnej úpravy)

Authorities supervising the financial market in Austria and Slovakia (a comparison of fragments of the regulation)

JUDr. Andrea Slezáková, LL.M., PhD., Faculty of Commerce of the University of Economics in Bratislava

Právny obzor, Volume 103, 2020, No. 2, pp. 132 – 148.

Published online: 31.8.2021

Abstract. The paper compares the regulation of material scope and certain procedural aspects of the activities of financial market supervisors in Austria and Slovakia, with a special emphasis on institutional developments leading to the integration of financial market supervision in both countries. In Austria, the financial market is being supervised by the Financial Market Authority (Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde) and in Slovakia by the National Bank of Slovakia (Národná banka Slovenska). The institutional integration of financial market supervision took place in both countries, in Austria and Slovakia in the first decade of the 21st century. A common element of the legislation in both countries is that the lex generalis in the area of financial market supervision is followed by legi speciali. It is a set of specific legislation that regulates individual sectors of the financial market. The material scope of both supervisory authorities is defined similarly, common elements are found mainly in the conduct of on-site supervision (with certain specifics in banking supervision in Austria), off-site supervision, conduct of proceedings, issuing secondary legislation and protection of financial consumers. Unlike the Slovak regulation, the Federal Law on the Financial Market Authority does not contain a procedure for the performance of on-site and off-site supervision or for conducting proceedings. The procedural rules for the procedure of the Financial Market Authority are contained in the Federal Law on General Administrative Proceedings. It can therefore be stated that while the Austrian legislation constitutes a general administrative procedure, in Slovakia the proceedings in supervisory matters is a special type of administrative procedure, without subsidiary application of the Administrative Procedure Code.

Key words: financial market supervision, integration of the financial market supervision, Financial Market Authority in Austria


ISSN 2729-9228

ISSN 0032-6984


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