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Ročník 107



T E O R E T I C K Ý  Č A S O P I S  P R E  O T Á Z K Y  Š T Á T U  A  P R Á V A

Úloha práva v postmodernej dobe pri ochrane nájomného bývania

The role of private law in the post-modern era in the protection of rental housing

Doc. JUDr. Denisa Dulaková Jakúbeková, PhD., Faculty of Law of Pan-European University in Bratislava

Právny obzor, 105, 2022, No. 2, pp. 124 – 140.

Published online: 19.4.2022

Abstract. The right to housing is derived from one of the most basic and natural human needs - the need to live someplace. However, its content is not only the ‚right to live‘, but is complemented by a complex of other interrelated and interdependent social and human rights, including, for example, the right to access to safe drinking water and sanitation, the right to access to resources, including the energy for cooking, heating and lighting, the right to privacy, the right to security, including security of tenure, and many others. Given its strong social dimension and its broad human rights dimension, it is therefore understandably the subject of attention in a number of major legal documents of international importance, which refer to fundamental human rights, social progress and better living conditions. Within the Slovak Republic, the right to housing is considered to be a social right with a special character, since it is not understood as an individual right claimable against society, but as a right based on the co-responsibility of society towards the citizen. Several provisions of public and private law serve to protect it. In private law, cases in which housing is provided in a dwelling that is not owned by the occupant, i.e. where the occupant lives in someone else‘s dwelling, are more sensitive. The extent to which such housing is protected is constantly debated and there is probably no ‚one right answer‘. When looking for a way to optimise the mutual rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant, it is advisable to look for inspiration (also) in foreign legislation which, on the one hand, takes into account the strong social charge of rental housing and the need to ‚protect the weaker‘, i.e. the tenant, but at the same time respects and mirrors the natural boundaries of traditional private law institutions - property rights and tenancy rights - in their legal and true essence.

Key words: right to housing, housing protection, forms of housing, ownership, rent/lease


ISSN 2729-9228

ISSN 0032-6984


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