Komparácia trestného činu lúpeže v kontexte problémov vyskytujúcich sa v aplikačnej praxi. Comparison of the crime of robbery in the context of application problems. JUDr. Ivana Mokrá, denná doktorandka, Katedra trestného práva a kriminológie Právnickej fakulty Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave, advokátska koncipientka Právny obzor, 106, 2023, No. 2., pp. 127 – 144. Published online: 20.4.2023 https://doi.org/10.31577/pravnyobzor.2023.2.04 Abstract. The area of criminal law is currently facing increasing criticism of its highly formalized form. However, this doesn´t only affect the procedural law, but also extends to the substantive level. In this context, the assessment of criminal offenses remains a topical issue only in the light of strictly formalized legislation. This fact is most clearly reflected in the context of robberies, in which in many cases there are border proceedings of the perpetrators, whose assessment, despite a relatively long common legal history with the Czech Republic, differs considerably. For this reason, the present contribution approaches not only the analysis of selected judgments of judicial authorities and a comparative view of the issue with the help of legislation of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Austria or the Federal Republic of Germany, or the Kingdom of Sweden but also constructs legal proposals for a more effective concept of assessing infringements showing signs of robbery, the severity of which, however, is significantly lower in numerous cases. Key words: robbery, ultima ratio, application problem, Criminal Code, crime
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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