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T E O R E T I C K Ý  Č A S O P I S  P R E  O T Á Z K Y  Š T Á T U  A  P R Á V A

Význam advokátskych rodín v štruktúre slovenskej advokácie v medzivojnovom Československu

Importance of lawyer´s families in the structure of Slovak advocacy in interwar Czechoslovakia

JUDr. Peter Kerecman, PhD., advocate

Právny obzor, Volume 102, 2019, No. 3, pp. 248 – 283.

Published online: 31.8.2021

Abstract. In interwar Czechoslovakia the arrival of young adepts to the legal profession was influenced not only by the objective position of advocacy in society determined by legal regulations (in particular the length of articled clerk´s experience, degree of internal professional freedom) and by economic situation of the lawyers or perception of this profession by the public, but also by the family environment. The specific features of Slovakia were a relatively small territory, the ideological closeness of the profession´s members, which appeared already in the Hungarian period, especially among nation-oriented lawyers, and the fact that law offices were established directly in homes of the lawyers, where their families lived. These circumstances also contributed to the establishment of family relations among lawyers. Lawyer´s families were connected by marriages of sisters and daughters of lawyers with their colleagues. The lawyers employed in their offices not only their sons, but also their other relatives. In some cases, several siblings worked as lawyers. The most important Slovak lawyer´s families were the Mudroňs, the Halašas, the Daxners, the Fajnors, the Jesenskys and the Bazovskys. Many renowned pre-revolution lawyers transferred their legal practices to their sons (e.g. J. Dérer, C. Horváth, S. Medvecký, P. Jamnický, A. Pivko, E. Stodola) or nephews (e.g. I. Markovič, M. Mičura, D. Okáli). The lawyer´s profession was later transferred from fathers to daughters and marriages between female lawyers (articled clerks) and male lawyers were concluded – they often performed the legal profession together. Lawyer´s families in Slovakia in the interwar period were an important bearer of traditional values of the legal profession and contributed to its development.

Key words: Advocacy, history of legal professions, family


ISSN 2729-9228

ISSN 0032-6984


Právny obzor je recenzovaný časopis a je indexovaný v databázach SCOPUS a HeinOnline (INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS)


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