Trvajúci delikt a jeho špecifiká v civilnom práve na pozadí kompenzácie environmentálnych škôd. Continuing delict and its specifics in civil law based on environmental damage compensation. Doc. JUDr. Marianna Novotná,
PhD. univ. prof., Právnická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave. Právny obzor, 107, 2024, No. 3, pp. 263 – 284. Published online: 20.6.2024 Abstract. The article deals with a specific category of environmental torts, which have a permanent or continuing character, and which have their doctrinal or normative anchorage in the system of public law (especially criminal or administrative law), but no such anchorage is defined for the area of civil law. The authors try to deduce the position of these delicts within the tort law and their specifics from the fundamental basis and principles of tort law and its institutes and apply them in relation to environmental damage compensable by the mechanisms and means of tort law. Within the framework of environment-related injuries, particularly value-contradictory or specific approach-requiring attributes concerning the conditions for the establishment of a claim to compensation (the concept of the right to an adequate environment as a personality right, proving causality in personal injuries caused by environmental damage, the question of fault and illegality in the case of interference with the personality right to an adequate environment, etc.) are discussed. Key words: liability for environmental damage, environmental tort, permanent and continuing tort, damages, prescription
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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