Relevantnosť probácie a mediácie v právnom systéme štátu. Relevance of probation and mediation in the legal system of the state. Dr. h. c. prof. JUDr. Lucia
Kurilovská, PhD., Institute of State and Law of Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava, Academy of the Police Force
in Bratislava Právny obzor, 104, 2021, No. 6., pp. 458 – 472. Published online: 30.12.2021 Abstract. In the article, the authors deal with the institute of probation, mediation and its relevance in the legal system of the state. Probation and mediation, as cardinal elements of restorative justice, play a relevant position in the legal system of the state and help its effective functioning. Probation and mediation are characterized by assistance and support for perpetrators, but of course also for victims of crime. They create a kind of picture of the correct principle, where the state helps the victim of a crime to overcome the damage caused to him as a result of the crime and at the same time helps the convicted offender to realize what he caused and also to integrate into society after serving the sentence. Key words: probation, mediation, restorative justice, victim, criminal, probation and mediation officer
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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