Úroky z úveru – riešené a otvorené otázky. Kumulácia úrokov z úveru a úrokov z omeškania (2. časť). Loan interest – addressed and open issues. Accumulation of loan interest and default interest (Part 2). Prof. JUDr. Oľga Ovečková, DrSc., Institute of State and Law of Slovak Academy of Sciences Právny obzor, 104, No. 6., pp. 428 – 442. Published online: 30.12.2021 https://doi.org/10.31577/pravnyobzor.2021.6.02 Abstract. The article is the continuation of addressing the issue of „Loan interest – addressed and open issues“, where in Part 1 we focused on „Substance of loan interest and its repayment“ (Právny obzor, 2021, issue 5). Already in this part, we touched on some problems of the relationship between loan interest (capital interest) and default interest. We draw attention to some of their connections in terms of the repayment term. In Part 2 we focused on the relationship between loan interest and default interest and the possibilities of their concurrence and eventual accumulation. As the basis we chose the definitions of substance and purpose of default interest and their comparison with substance and purpose of loan interest. We point out to the lack of consistency in solution of cumulation of the two types of interest, which persists in the decision-making of courts, and suggest possible solutions. Key words: loan agreement, loan interest, default interest, interest accumulation
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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