Veľký senát a ustálená rozhodovacia prax (inauguračná prednáška) The Grand Senate and established decision – making practise Doc. JUDr. Alexandra Löwy, PhD., LL.M., Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava Právny obzor, 105, 2022, No. 2, pp. 95 – 111. Published online: 19.4.2022 Abstract. One of the respectable principles of the rule of law, which is directly linked to the civil process, is the principle of legal certainty. The essence of the principle of legal certainty is the predictability of the decision, which is also the basis for the existence and creation of established decisionmaking practice. In the presented contribution, the author identifies the institutes that contribute resp. have the potential to contribute to the development of established decisionmaking practice. The author is based on the premise that one of the tools that should contribute to the creation of established decision-making practice is the institution of the Grand Senate. By analyzing the legislation itself, as well as selected decisions, it tries to analyze whether the theoretical and legal definition also finds its practical dimension, whether the Grand Chamber actually fulfills the role assigned to it in the system. Based on the performed analyzes, the author concludes that the Grand Senate does not currently use the full legal potential. Based on this partial conclusion, it then tries to formulate conclusions to eliminate the identified shortcomings, while these should not consist in amendments or the need for a change in legislation, but in the rational interpretation and reasonable application of the law. Key words: legal certainity, review, The Grand Senate, established decision making
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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