Podchytenie štátnej pomoci poskytovanej podnikom v dôsledku pandémie COVID-19 v európskom protimonopolnom práve. Capture of state aid provided to businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in European antitrust law. Mgr. Lukáš Lapšanský, PhD., Institute of State and Law of Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i. Právny obzor, 105, 2022, No. 5. pp. 369 – 391. Published online: 21.11.2022 https://doi.org/10.31577/pravnyobzor.2022.5.01 Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the need for massive state aid to strengthen businesses in the member states of the European Union. The European Commission promptly adopted a soft law act in which it offered member states various instruments for providing state aid to businesses and specified the conditions and indicators upon fulfillment of which it will consider the provided state aid compatible with the internal market. Key words: COVID-19, competition, state aid, compatibility with the internal market
ISSN 2729-9228 ISSN 0032-6984
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